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Friday, November 20, 2015

TIPS Membuat Cappucino 1 Shot Espresso

Cappuccino merupakan minuman olahan kopi dari Italia yang berbahan dasar dari espresso dan susu murni. Cappucinno begitu populer saat ini, melambangkan minuman kopi yang eksotis ketika disajikan. Pada dasarnya, cappuccino merupakan perpaduan espresso dengan susu yang telah disteam (diuapkan dangan uap panas). Cappuccino yang benar adalah dengan komposisi espresso, susu steam, dan busa susu. Berikut kami berikan tip membuat cappuccino dengan mesin espresso rumah semi-otomatis untuk Kamu.

Cappuccino is an espresso and milk based coffee from Italy, Cappuccino is very popular today. It represents an exotic coffee baverage. Basically, cappuccino is an espresso with steamed milk. Cappuccino consists of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. Here are the steps how to make Cappuccino with semi-automatic home espresso machine for you.

1. Siapkan espresso one shot, susu murni dan cangkir kesayanganmu.
1. Prepare one shot of espresso, fresh milk, and your favorite cup.

2. Pindahkan espresso ke cangkir kesayanganmu.
2. Pour the espresso into your cup.

3. Masukkan susu ke pitcher, untuk mensteam susu untuk cappuccino posisi awal ujung pipa steam sekitar 1 cm dari permukaan susu. Kamu juga harus menempatkan posisi pipa steam di pinggir pitcher.
3. Fill milk into the pitcher. Steam milk with positioning the tip of pipe steamer 1 cm from the milk surface. You must position the steamer pipe at pitcher's edge.

4. Nyalakan mesin espresso untuk steam susu, pada awal-awal akan berbunyi berdenyit yang sangat keras. Kamu tidak perlu kawatir, karena memang begitu proses mensteam susu.  Ketika mensteam, susu akan berputar seperti diaduk dengan cepat. 
4. Turn on the espresso machine for steaming milk. At first it sounds loudly bursting. But you do not have to worry, that is how it works. When steaming, milk will spin so fast.

5.  Setelah permukaan susu naik, turunkan sedikit pitcher agar ujung pipa steam tetap sekitar 1cm di permukaan susu. Selalu menurunkan ujung pipa steam ketika s usu mengembang . Setelah mengembang yang hampir tiga per empat dari volume susu awal, tahan posisi pitcher jangan diturunkan lagi agar menghasilkan  busa susu lembut yang bagus . Matikan mesin saat suhu susu sekitar 60 derajat celcius, kalau dirasakan dengan tangan pitcer susu terasa hampir panas. Kalau terlalu panas, rasa manis asli dari susu akan rusak.
5. After the milk surface rise, lower the pitcher slowly to stabilize the steamer tip 1 cm at the milk surface. Always lower it slowly when the milk rise. When the first rise for almost three quarter from the first milk volume, hold on the pitcher position and do not lower it again. Stabilize it to create a very smooth and intense foam. Turn off the machine when the milk temperature is at 60 degree celcius. If you feel the pitcher is almost hot then it is correct, but if you feel too hot then it will ruin the sweetness of the milk.

6. Setelah selesai mensteam, goyang-goyang pitcher agar busa susu menjadi lebih padat.
6. After steaming, shake the pitcher to create thick foamy milk.

7. Lalu tuang susu dengan posisi ditengah cangkir dengan perlahan-lahan.
7. Finally pour milk into the centre of the cup slowly.

8. Cappuccino hasil kreasimu siap untuk dinikmati, Kamu bisa menambahkan gula sesuai selera.
8. Cappuccino that you have made is ready to sip.

sumber : kopijavalorek.com
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Item Reviewed: TIPS Membuat Cappucino 1 Shot Espresso Rating: 5 Reviewed By: abunagaya